Faraway Home

It has been about fours years since I went back to Taiwan to visit my family and relatives. Although I was not able to visit a lot of places during my stay in Taiwan, I was just happy to spend quality time with my family and relatives. A lot has definitely changed in Taiwan, new sky scrapers and more restaurants and cafes. At the same time the little town and I spent my childhood in stayed the same. In some ways I find that comforting.. With so much going on in the present, I was happy that my grandmother’s house, tucked away in the same little alleyway remained unchanged. 

I’m not sure why for this month long trip I decided to bring my Nikon F3 instead of my (ride or die) Olympus OM-1. I think I just wanted to really test out the Nikon F3 and understand it a bit more. Even though the Nikon F3 is a bit bigger and heavier than my Olympus OM-1, it really did deliver some beautifully sharp images.